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You Should Understand What Types Of Emotions Are There?

Emotions are defined largely based on the thoughts and feelings of human experience in life and how they express them.

Emotions are the mental states associated with the individual’s nervous system, these are experienced when there is a certain chemical change occurs in our brain, which affects our thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a varying degree of pleasure and displeasure.

Basically, emotions are the outcome of the chemical changes that are in the human body and results in having certain thoughts, feelings, and other responses that distinguish between what an individual is experiencing and how it affects them.

However, there is no scientific definition to explain emotions as it can be tangled with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, motivation, or maybe largely influenced by the situation, a person is in while experiences certain emotions.

Generally, Emotions are explained as the positive or negative experiences an individual experiences in life that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity.

So, emotions have two components; one, is the experience and the second one is the physiological activity that occurs in an individual’s body.

Emotions produce different cognitive, behavioral, and physiological changes. Similarly, the Oxford dictionary defines Emotions in terms of “A strong feeling deriving from one circumstance, Mood or relationship with others.” Therefore, in emotions internal and external factors play a significant role in display, the experience of emotion as well as an expression of the emotions.

Throughout our life, our feelings influence the interpretation of the choices we have and the choices we make.

Explaining emotions would be like, Television shows can make us Happy or cry, scare us. We eat until we are satisfied, and we tend to avoid people because we do not get the right feeling meaning they may make us uncomfortable, scare us, or even felt dangerous to us.  Emotional feelings determine how we behave.

There are many different types of emotions that influence how we live and interact with others. Sometimes, we may feel overwhelmed with emotions, however, the choices we make, our actions, and perceptions we have about others are also influenced by the emotions we experience at that moment.

Studies conducted on emotions and types of emotions have recorded thousands of emotions, however, theorists proved that there are only six emotions, including anger, happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, and surprise. Further emotions are majorly based on these emotions.

However, later studies do include pride, shame, embarrassment, and excitement. Emotions are intertwined with different feelings such as you can be happy and still cry or shed tears, which we normally call happy tears. It is just like mixing different colors to form a new shade.

The basic emotions, however, work as building blocks, simpler emotions can be mixed together to make complex emotions. For example, trust, joy, and commitment collectively called love.

Emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger are basic emotion we experience them in multiple forms throughout our lives. Happiness is a pleasant emotional state, which can be characterized by multiple feelings such as joy, satisfaction, gratification, contentment. Happiness can easily express by body language, facial expressions for an instant a pleasurable tone, shiny eyes, and brighter smile.

Emotions are also culturally influenced as it determines how one express happiness. Happiness plays a vital role in improving mental and physical health as well as being significantly contented in one’s life, relationships and society create a rightful impact on individuals.

Opposite of happiness is Sadness, a transient state of emotions that is further defined by grief, dissatisfaction, disinterest, hopelessness, and dampened the mood. Sadness can be a contributing factor for an individual to become vulnerable to mental health disorders and it may play its role in hampering physical health.

Sadness is a universal emotion that is experienced by everyone in life in one form or another, however, the severity and duration may vary as some people overcome this emotional state relatively faster than the others while some people may develop an unhealthy coping mechanism.

The expression of sadness is completely opposite to happiness as it is expressed through quietness, dampened mood, social withdrawal, crying, self-blame. It also induces negative apprehensions about the self, future, and the world. Fear, on the other hand, is one of the most powerful emotions experienced by people as it instills a sense of survival in humans.

The fight and flight response represents the ultimate defense people have in danger, such as an increase in heart rate, muscular tension, palpitation. It is characterized by terror, apprehension, scared, and anxious.

The expression of fear includes the attempts of running away or avoidance of certain things. Like, sadness, fear can also be a causal factor of anxiety and apprehensions that people have.

However, the intensity varies among individuals. Similarly, disgust is also a basic emotion that can be characterized by sickening, offensive, and gross feeling that comes from something that one individual found unpleasant. It can be related to food, smell, or touch that appear unpleasant.

A visual depiction of disgust is often done by curling of the lips or wrinkling the nose or severe vomiting. Anger is also said to be a powerful emotion characterized by the feeling of agitation, hostility, antagonism, and frustration toward others. It is expressed in frowning or glaring expressions, face turning red is also a depiction. Anger can be infuriated by threat, being done wrong, or can be a temperamental disposition. Anger outburst also holds significant importance in leading toward mental health and behavioral issues not only in adults but also in children.

Lastly, the surprise is a brief human, characterized by being in a state of physiologically startled in response to unexpected things. It can be positive, negative, or neutral.

Surprise can thus generate happiness, or anger or can implants fear, depending on how much the other person was shocked by it. It can be expressed in voice tones or verbal reactions such as screaming, yelling, or grasping, widening of the eyes, or physically jumping back in a state of being startled.

Emotions are expressed through body language as well as behaviors. As the behavior of a particular situation is largely dependent on emotions.

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