In-depth content on Self-Care, Survival and Entrepreneurship


5 Survival And Bushcraft Tool Options For Cutting And Chopping

Some of your most basic survival tools are your cutting and chopping tools. These oftentimes serve extra duties as digging and prying tools. If you’re putting together a basic survival kit for bushcraft or even urban survival, having the right tools in it is vital. Here are some of the common survival tools and some qualities about them to consider.

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4 Important Considerations In Learning to Shoot

Some people learn to shoot at a very young age. These are generally people who grew up in rural areas where they could go out and shoot in their backyards. Developing these skills at an older age is much more difficult than developing them at a young age. If you never learned to shoot as a young person, you’re probably not that familiar with firearms in any regard. This information will provide you with the very basic things to consider and expect on your journey to becoming a competent shooter.

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6 Important Survival Items for Your Home

A natural disaster, a long-term power outage or a riot can turn comfortable modern living into a survival situation very quickly. Having some basic items stocked up in your home can make a huge difference as to whether you manage to survive the situation. The very basics of urban survival do not require exotic supplies or huge stockpiles of food and water. Every home and apartment, however, should at least have the following items.

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4 Serious Hand to Hand Combat Weapons

Even though hand-to-hand combat may seem positively medieval to some people, many survival situations in both urban and rural environments involve hand-to-hand combat of some type. These situations can involve anything from somebody trying to get into your car to someone trying to assault you on the street to somebody getting the jump on you while you’re going into your home.

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Things To Consider When Off Grid Living

Living off the grid is different for every individual. Some feel that living off the grid means to live outside of the human norm on land in a hand-built cabin without electricity, well water, sewer, and family. For others, it means to live by your own means of support and not have to depend on government help of any kind. Whatever living off the grid means to you, there are several options to get you started and help you find your own way to independent living.

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How To Blend In With Your Bug Out Bag

THERE IS SO MUCH WRITTEN ABOUT THE CONTENTS of a bug out bag that it has almost become a religious discussion. The merits of each item carried are carefully weighed and discussed, as is the method of packing said bag. Not much time, however, is spent on discussing the bag itself, however. For those not in the know, a bug out bag is nothing more than a collection of essential supplies that the user keeps close by in the event of some emergency.

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