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17 Steps To Help Save Your Children From Flu And Cold

During flu and cold season, parents are usually worried about their children. The reason is that, according to studies, children are most likely to get flu. For preventing flu from spreading, the parents have to teach their children the following preventive measures.

Kids have to wash their hands frequently at schools and homes.

Kids often touch their faces and mouths; parents should make sure that the hands of their children are correctly washed with soap and water ever time but most importantly before eating, after using the washroom, and when they get back to the home after playing. When there is no water around them, make sure that your children sanitize their hand


Indoor and outdoor activities-Get them active

Activities are essential in boosting the immune system. To make your children healthy, they should have to do proper exercises and moderate workouts. Studies show that an active child has a lower chance of getting flu and cold because of his healthy immune system.

Get plenty of sleep

A night of proper sleep is required for everyone to stay healthy and fit. An average human requires approximately 8-9 hours of sleep per day. Children need between 5-14 hours of sleep a day, depending on their age. Sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system, and children have more chances of getting a viral and bacterial infection.

Eat a balanced diet

Fruits and vegetables are beneficial for health. The nutrients present in them help to boost children’s immune systems so they will be able to cope with different diseases. If your children are not taking plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, they are likely to get infections such as flu and the common cold.

Decrease stress

Stress hormones can decrease immunity and disturb the functioning of the immune system. Give your kids plenty of time to rest and creative play to help them lower their stress levels and keep them away from infections and diseases.

Know the hot zones

Be aware of the common surfaces that are touched by many people, such as computers, laptops, keyboards, doorknobs, faucets, and machines. All these locations have a high level of bacteria. So, prevent your children from being in contact with these locations because they often get germs from them.

Get a flu shot

Children having age six months and older should receive immunization to avoid getting sick. Most of the pediatricians will notify patients when their office has received vaccines. These vaccines are also available at local pharmacies and clinics for a low fee.

Drink a lot of fluid.

Try drinking water, tea, and clear soups. Fluids help loosen mucus and prevent dehydration.

Use saline nose drops

They help reduce mucus and dampen the tender skin in your nose. These are secure to use on children and babies.

Use a humidifier

It adds wetness to the air, which can help loosen chest and nasal congestion.

Avoid germy sharing

Sharing is suitable for kids, but many sharing items are the breeding ground for germs. Educate your children never to share straws and cups, caps and scarves, or any other thing that come in contact with their mouths and faces.
When kids do sick, the parents must keep them in homes and prevent it from spreading to others.

Get vitamin D

Results from a 2012 study in the journal Pediatrics suggest that all children should be examined for sufficient vitamin D levels. It is especially salient for those with dark skin since they don’t get vitamin D as quickly from exposure to sunlight Foods that are the quality origin of vitamin D include egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon, and beef liver. You can also purchase vitamin D supplements at your pharmacy. Choose supplements that contain D3, since it’s better at raising your blood levels of vitamin D.

Drinking green tea

For centuries, green tea has been connected with good health. Green tea. According to a study, several fresh-brewed cups a day can lead to potential health benefits. These include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, flu, and the common cold. It also helps to treat minor infections such as flu and cold.

Proceed with quality hygiene

Limiting your exposure to illness by keeping your children away from germs is vital to remain healthy. Here are some other ways to practice good hygiene:

  • Take a shower regularly.
  • Always wash your hands before eating or preparing food.
  • Wash your hands for 20-30 seconds
  • Cover or wrap your mouth and nose with a tissue or piece of cloth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Carry an alcohol-based hand cleaner for on-the-go use. Disinfect shared surfaces, such as keyboards, telephones, doorknobs, and remote control

Cover your mouth and nose

Educate children to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may save those around you from getting ill. Flu and other serious respiratory illnesses, like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands.

Avoid close contact

Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

When to see your doctor

Concern to your doctor before getting the flu vaccine:

  • If your children have Guillain-Barré syndrome.
  • Have had severe hypersensitive reactions to the vaccine.
  • Have had severe side effects to the flu vaccine.
  • Have children younger than 6-7months.

If your children have a cold or flu and symptoms continue or you are at high risk, contact your doctor immediately. They can do a test to detect the problem.

17 Steps To Help Save Your Children From Flu And Cold

Symptoms include

  • High fever.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Skin color turning blue (babies).
  • Severe chest pain.
  • Prolonged vomiting.
  • Severe pain in your face (sinuses).
  • Swollen glands in your neck or jaw.
  • Earaches or drainage.
  • Changes in mental state, acting confused or disoriented.


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