In-depth content on Self-Care, Survival and Entrepreneurship


Referral Marketing


If you’re looking to maximize exposure and profits while consistently working towards acquiring new customers, there is no better way than with referral marketing. Referral marketing is all about encouraging people in your niche to share your products and services.  This can include customers, influencers and thought leaders in your market.

Ultimately, there is no easier way to better position your brand and leverage your existing customer base than to design a referral system that actively encourages sharing.

This report will show you how to connect with your most loyal customers so you can motivate them to spread the word about your business, while setting yourself up for long-term success

Topics covered:

✔ Become Share-Worthy
✔ Network with Influencers
✔ Timing is Everything
✔ Tweak Your Referral Sign Up Page
✔ Always Follow Up
✔ Be Innovative
✔ Offer Additional Incentives
And more!



Referral Marketing

If you’re looking to maximize exposure and profits while consistently working towards acquiring new customers, there is no better way than with referral marketing. Referral marketing is all about encouraging people in your niche to share your products and services.  This can include customers, influencers and thought leaders in your market.

Ultimately, there is no easier way to better position your brand and leverage your existing customer base than to design a referral system that actively encourages sharing.


Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Become Share-Worthy 7
Network with Influencers 12
Timing is Everything 15
Tweak Your Referral Sign Up Page 22
Always Follow Up 24
Be Innovative 26
Offer Additional Incentives 28
Join Perkzilla 30
Final Words 32
Resources 34